Ice Cream, Birds & Music!
Sunday, June 6, 2021 by Sharon Hale | Recital
Celebrating lifting of COVID restrictions, we held our recital TOGETHER (!) outside on my deck where the pianists accompanied the singing birds and the ice cream dripped freely in the HOT early summer sun! It was great fun, and while I forgot to get a lot of pictures or videos to commemorate it, I'm going to brag on my students for a minute. This has been a particularly challenging year with 4 trips to the Midwest since December to spend time with and assist my ailing father who passed away in May. Because of this, I missed some time with students so we had to focus on the essentials, and never got to focus on performance pieces for a recital. I literally left the choice of what to do for the recital up to each student. "Play what brings you joy!", I told them. The night before the recital I admit to some anxiety...this could backfire terribly! What if the students weren't prepared and sounded terrible to their families...I could lose students and it could harm my reputation - scary thoughts! But students are the BEST!! Each and every one came and shared something beautiful and made me PROUD. All in all, a great day.
Online Recital/Performance Party 12 20 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020 by Sharon Hale | Recital
Hi, everyone! Thanks to all who participated in our online performance party! I promised a recording, so here it is. I'll also email a link to make sure you can share it if you like. You should be able to find this link for a while on the Student Portal by scrolling down on your home/landing page on, or also on the "Blog/News" tab.
Merry Christmas to all!