Summer Practice Resources & Plan

Monday, May 31, 2021 by Sharon Hale | Practice

Please check the Online Resources tab in the Student Portal to access LOTS of free resources to keep you having fun at the piano this summer! 


How you can help your student(s) succeed!

Monday, September 2, 2019 by Sharon Hale | Practice

With lessons starting tomorrow (yay!), I thought you might appreciate some ideas for how to help your students succeed this year. Attached is a pdf of conversation starters parents can have with their students - one list for giving options for piano practice, and another giving ideas of what to ask after a lesson rather than "how was your lesson?"  

And the #1 way you can help your student succeed in lessons? Help them develop a consistent practice time, and be involved with that time! Applaud, encourage, ask to hear something again, and help make sure they have quiet (no TV on at the same time!) and uninterrupted time. Fluency in any language requires practice reading and speaking - music is no different! And the more they practice, the better they get, and the more they enjoy it (and the more YOU enjoy it, too!).  

See you tomorrow!

Conversation Starters